is your success

The mission of Feedback HQ is to help you harness the power of feedback to win—as an individual, a team, or an organization.

Whether your purpose is to:

  • help others succeed by becoming exceptional at delivering constructive criticism and positive feedback,
  • bring your A-game to life by getting more timely and quality feedback, or
  • improve business results by building a feedback culture within your team or organization,

you’ve come to the right place.

At Feedback HQ

OUR PURPOSE is your success:

1. We help individuals, leaders, and teams win by using feedback to

  • accelerate their learning and growth,
  • build stronger relationships,
  • achieve more of their goals,
  • fully engage the talents and energies of others, and
  • improve teamwork.

2. We help organizations win by building feedback cultures that

  • enhance employee development, engagement, and retention,
  • increase innovation and customer satisfaction, and
  • improve business results.

3. Our services

  • books
  • workshops/seminars,
  • keynote speeches,
  • consulting engagements, and
  • licensing agreements with outstanding corporate trainers and training companies, to help individuals, teams, and organizations harness the power of constructive criticism and positive feedback to achieve great things. 

Why building people's ability to receive and give honest feedback is the sole focus of feedback HQ.


The question we began with was, “Why do only a subset of any profession truly excel?” Some people pointed to talent. Others suggested education. But science didn’t support either. What science did tell us is the ability to receive and utilize feedback, in all its forms, does more to drive an individual’s success than education, talent, or IQ.

Research published in dozens of peer-reviewed academic journals also taught us that the most powerful single influence leaders have on the achievement of others is through the quality, timing, and frequency of the feedback they give.

Furthermore, research also confirmed that feedback has a significant impact on employee engagement, retention, performance, customer satisfaction, and financial results. Regardless of the labels your company uses to describe its development programs (Leadership Development, Employee Development, Talent Development, or Performance Improvement), feedback is the key to success.

So, what’s not to love about feedback? (Oh, the horror stories people share with us in the classroom!) Whether you choose to use the terms honest feedback or constructive criticism, or the words positive feedback or praise, our goal at Feedback HQ is to help you and your organization reach new heights.





  1. Geoff Colvin, Talent Is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else, The Penguin Group, 2008.
  2. John Hattie, Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement, Routledge, p. 12 and p. 24, 2009.
  3. Gallup 2016 Q-12 Meta-Analysis Report.
  4. Marcia Losada and Emily Heaphy, “The Role of Positivity and Connectivity in the Performance of Business Teams,” American Behavioral Scientist, Feb. 1. 2004.
  5. Annamarie Mann and Jim Harter, The Worldwide Employee Engagement Crisis, Gallup, January 7, 2016.












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Our Industry-Leading Guarantee

Because we know our feedback training will be a hit with participants and a catalyst for change, we offer an industry-leading guarantee.

If we provide a learning experience and our average facilitator ratings are below 4.5 on a 5-point scale, we will refund 100 percent of the facilitation fee.

You can be confident that our feedback training will be relevant, insightful, engaging, and transformative.

WIN with Feedback

Harness the Gift of Feedback and Bring your A-Game to life

The Three Keys to a Transformative Feedback Conversation

#1 Feedback receivers know how to find value in ALL feedback, regardless of who the giver is or their delivery style.

#2 Feedback givers know how to deliver candid feedback that communicates respect, fosters ownership, and supports change.

#3 Mutual respect is expected of both parties: both have a right to be heard.


Workshop Participants Will:

1. Solve the Mystery

Why do some individuals soar to success while others falter? Science tells us the answer lies not in innate talent or formal education, but in one’s ability to learn from feedback—the unsung hero of achievement.

2. Master the Art of Receiving Feedback

Master a simple yet powerful process for finding the gift in feedback, even when that feedback causes you pain, or when the giver is misinformed, unfair, and has the interpersonal skills of Atilla the Hun.

3. Discover the Transformative Power of Feedback

Learn why the quality, timing, and frequency of the feedback you provide is the x-factor in great leadership. Master a groundbreaking approach to giving feedback that will propel you, and those around you, to new heights.

4. Support Success, One Conversation at a Time

Learn how to initiate and navigate difficult feedback conversations in a way that strengthens relationships, fosters individual growth, promotes change, and improves team performance—all the while minimizing blowback from the receiver.



  • Why feedback is the x-factor in personal growth, achievement, and leadership effectiveness.
  • The science behind difficult feedback conversations and how to “keep your head when all about you are losing theirs”.

Module 1

Receiving Feedback: Learn Faster, Work Smarter, and Avoid Disaster

  • How to find the gift in all feedback—even when the giver is unclear, unfair, misinformed, or punishing in their delivery.
  • How to ask for and get the timely feedback you need to succeed—even when those around you are reluctant to give it.
  • Inoculating yourself and others against the fear of criticism.

Module 2

Giving Feedback: Help Others Excel While Building Effective Relationships

  • Deliver criticism so as to minimize blowback from recipients while maximizing learning and change.
  • Adjust the timing and delivery of your feedback to significantly improve employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and business results.
  • Give candid and clear feedback that helps others learn faster and achieve more.
  • Be generous with praise: help others leverage their strengths and soar to new heights.

Module 3

Creating a Feedback Culture to Win 

  • Develop your blueprint for creating a culture where every employee—regardless of title or tenure—feels competent, safe, and empowered to give and receive feedback.

Our Approach to Learning

Our interactive and hands-on approach to learning ensures that you will leave with skills and actionable insights to accelerate employee growth, boost individual performance, foster teamwork, and improve business results.

Feedback: The Unsung Hero of Achievement

It’s impossible to bring your A-game to work—or anywhere else—without feedback. Whether referred to as criticism, advice, or simply feedback,
it can be a game changer.

That said, there’s a formidable barrier to harnessing the power of feedback: the fear of criticism. In WIN with FEEDBACK you will learn how to inoculate yourself against the fear of criticism, thereby un-locking your true potential. And as a leader, you will receive the tools you need to inoculate those around you against their fear of criticism, thereby unlocking their collective ingenuity and potential.

Master skills taught by experts who have brought these skills to Fortune 500 giants like 3M, Boeing, Microsoft, and Textron.

Win With Feedback



  • Why feedback is the x-factor in personal growth, achievement, and leadership effectiveness.
  • The science behind difficult feedback conversations and how to “keep your head when all about you are losing theirs”.

Module 1

Receiving Feedback: Learn Faster, Work Smarter, and Avoid Disaster

  • How to find the gift in all feedback—even when the giver is unclear, unfair, misinformed, or punishing in their delivery.
  • How to ask for and get the timely feedback you need to succeed—even when those around you are reluctant to give it.

Module 2

Giving Feedback: Helping Others Excel While Building Effective Relationships

  • Deliver constructive criticism so as to minimize blowback from recipients and maximize their learning.
  • Adjust the timing and delivery of your feedback to significantly improve employee engagement, customer satisfaction, and business results.
  • Give candid and clear feedback that helps others learn faster and achieve more.
  • Be generous with positive feedback: help others leverage their strengths and soar to new heights.

Module 3

Creating a Feedback Culture
(Only Win with Feedback for Teams and Win with Feedbackfor Leaders include this module)

  • How to build a common language, mindset, and skill set around using feedback (both constructive criticism and praise) to drive individual, team, and organization success. For more information on The Keystone to Creating a Feedback Culture, click here


  • Schedule a free 15-30 minute consultation, or
  • simply give us your contact information and questions and we will get back to you.
To schedule a free consultation,
or to request more information, please provide


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